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Data Warehousing - An Overview

Anurag Information Technology (IT) has historically influenced organizational performance and competitive standing. The increasing processing power and sophistication of analytical tools and techniques have put the strong foundation for the product called data warehouse. There are a number of reasons that any organization should consider a data warehouse, which can be the critical tool for maximizing the organization’s investment in the information it has collected and stored throughout the enterprise. IT managers need to understand the rationale and benefits of data warehouses because they may need to design and implement, or procure this kingpin of business intelligence. The data warehouses are supposed to provide storage, functionality and responsiveness to queries beyond the capabilities of today's transaction-oriented databases. Also data warehouses are set to improve the data access performance of databases. Traditional databases balance the requirement of data access w

Requirements Gathering Techniques

Anurag Overview Requirements gathering techniques provide project team members with a choice of methods for eliciting needs or requirements from stakeholders and for validating requirements with stakeholders.   Certain techniques are appropriate in gathering stakeholder needs, while other techniques are most helpful in defining high-level and detailed requirements, or validating detailed requirements with the stakeholders. Three Techniques The three recommended techniques are Interview , JAD Session , and Survey Method .   This document will explain the characteristics of the recommended requirements management techniques and when the techniques are appropriate for use within the requirements management process. Interview Technique Summary An interview is a conversation with stakeholders to elicit or validate needs and requirements.   An interview may include one or more stakeholders