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Showing posts from March, 2013

Smoke and Sanity Testing - Introduction and Differences

Anurag Smoke and Sanity testing are the most misunderstood topics in Software Testing. There is enormous amount of literature on the subject, but most of them are confusing. The following article makes an attempt to address the confusion. what is a Software Build? If you are developing a simple computer program which consists of only one source code file, you merely need to compile and link this one file, to produce an executable file. This process is very simple. Usually this is not the case. A typical Software Project consists of hundreds or even thousands of source code files. Creating an executable program from these source files is a complicated and time-consuming task. You need to use "build" software to create an executable program and the process is called " Software Build " what is Smoke Testing?   Smoke Testing is performed after software build to ascertain that the critical functionalities of the program is working fine .It is

Software Testing..........................

Anurag Question 2 – If there are many bugs to be fixed, which should you resolve first? Fix the highest-priority bugs first. The severity of a software defect may not correlate directly with the priority placed on fixing it. Severity and priority should be tracked separately, although in a small organization or on a small project, there may not be a large number of defects and you will not need to track both. It may also be helpful to track the “urgency” of a bug fix (as determined by the client). In larger projects, you may have a Triage team. Triage is a medical term; it is the assessment of which patients need to be dealt with first. Some patients will die regardless of what you do; some patients will heal by themselves. The third group, the patients that will only heal with your help, are the highest-priority patients. You can assign software defects to a similar type of “triage” list, based on the defects’ priority and severity. Question 3 – What’s the difference betw