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Showing posts from April, 2012


Operational   Feasibility Operational   feasibility   study   tests   the   operational   scope   of   the   software to   be   developed.The   proposed   software    must   have   high   operational   feasibility.The   usability   will   be   high. Technical   Feasibility The technical    feasibility   study   compares   the   level   of technology    available   in   the   software   development    firm   and   the   level of technology   required   for the   development   of    the   product.Here   the   level    of technology   consists    of   the   programming    language,   the   hardware     resources, Other   software   tools    etc. Economic    Feasibility The   economic   feasibility     study   evaluate   the   cost   of   the software   development   against   the   ultimate   income   or   benefits   gets   from   the developed    system.There   must   be   scopes   for   profit   after   the   successful Completion   of   the   project.


DBMS Locking Part I (DBMS only) TECHNICAL ARTICLES -> PERFORMANCE ARTICLES [  Back  ] [  Next  ] DBMS is often criticized for excessive locking – resulting in poor database performance when sharing data among multiple concurrent processes. Is this criticism justified, or is DBMS being unfairly blamed for application design and implementation shortfalls? To evaluate this question, we need to understand more about DBMS locking protocols. In this article, we examine how, why, what and when DBMS locks and unlocks database resources. Future articles will address how to minimize the impact of database locking. THE NEED FOR LOCKING In an ideal concurrent environment, many processes can simultaneously access data in a DBMS database, each having the appearance that they have exclusive access to the database. In practice, this environment is closely approximated by careful use of locking protocols. Locking is necessary in a concurrent environment to assure that one proce